Driving along and dreading every gear shift should not be part of your motoring experience, so if you’ve got a car with gearbox problems, you’re going to want to know how to sort them, or get rid of the car entirely, as quickly as possible. National Scrap Car is here to answer any questions you […]
Category: Salvage Cars
Everything you ever needed to know about salvaging cars, right here!
Get Advice on Salvaging Your Car From the Experts

Can You Sell a Car With Deployed Airbags
Even the simplest things can sometimes cause a car to be written off. Read our expert guide on selling a car with no airbags

Scrap Car or Salvage Car – What’s the Difference?
Not such a simple question as it may seem – especially if you’ve never been faced with this situation before. This guide will bring you fully up to speed with the various options when scrapping an old car.

How To Sell a Non-Running Car
Definitely time for a change of vehicle, but what are your options and how do you get the best price when selling a car which no longer runs.

Selling You Car For Parts
Selling your car in parts is a time consuming and tricky way to make some extra money out of your old scrap car. If you fancy the challenge, our experts have put together this quick fire guide to everything you need to know.
How to Sell A Non-Running Car
Most people who are in the market for a new car will be looking for something that they can drive away as soon as the paperwork is in order and the keys have been handed over. Private buyers are unlikely to want a car that’s going to need more money invested in it to get […]
Can You Sell a Car with a Broken Odometer
Over the course of its life, a car can travel hundreds of thousands of miles. In fact, there are even records of cars pushing their mileage to 7-figure readings, showcasing the longevity of some models if they’re given the proper care and maintenance. But what if the one thing that breaks in your car is […]
Can You Sell a Car With Deployed Airbags
Car safety has come a long way in a short amount of time, but while airbags have been made to squeeze into every crevice of modern motors, their ultimate function has remained just as explosive and brutal as ever. That’s why when a car deploys its airbags, it immediately becomes much less desirable to potential […]
How To Sell a Car Without An Engine
The engine is arguably the most important part of a car – without it you’re not going to be getting anywhere. Well, what happens if you don’t have an engine? Or maybe the one you do have doesn’t work well at all? National Scrap Car has all the answers for those eventualities, showing you that […]
Can You Sell a Car With a Blown Head Gasket?
A ‘blown head gasket’ is something that many people will have become unfortunately aware of throughout their driving career after their own vehicle has suffered this fate, but how many of those car owners really know what it means? And, more importantly, what does it mean for the future of your car, especially if you […]
What Happens If Your Car Fails Its MOT? Your Options Explained
When your car is three years old from the date of its registration, it will need an MOT- from then, each year you will need to take your car for an MOT retest. The MOT test, the acronym in which stands for Ministry of Transport, is an inspection to see if your car is roadworthy. […]
Can You Sell A Broken Car?
When you’re putting your car onto the market in the hopes of a sale, it’s often important to get the motor freshened up, looking good and in full working order for anyone who might want to take it for a test drive. But, what happens if your car is broken down and can’t be driven […]
Guide To Selling Your Damaged Car
After your vehicle has sustained damage, regardless of how it happened or whether the suffering is mechanical or cosmetic, you’re going to find the motor much more difficult to sell. If you’re trying to sell privately, you’ll probably need to knock a significant chunk of money off the fee that you’re hoping to receive, which […]
How to spot a cut and shut?
On this page: What is a cut and shut car? What’s wrong with a cut and shut car? Are cut and shut cars illegal? How to spot a cut and shut car Do you need to SORN a motorcycle? How long does a SORN last? When shopping, a two-for-one offer is usually a deal that […]