Scrap My Car Londonderry

Extensive scrap car and car salvage across Londonderry

✅ Compare prices from different scrap collectors in your area

✅ Get better offers if your car is salvageable

✅ Fast and easy pickup in Derry from your driveway or other location

✅ Trusted by hundreds of customers – rated on average 4.9 out of 5.

Scrapping your vehicle in Londonderry

If you’re in Londonderry and have a vehicle at the end of its life then we can offer you the simplest and most professional service available. Our process is simple:

  • Take just 30 seconds to fill in the form at the top of this page
  • See the best price available from our network of scrap yards covering your postcode
  • Accept the price and confirm your booking – we’ll be in touch shortly afterwards

We then contact you to finalise your details and arrange a time and date that you want your car to be picked up. It really is that simple.

A scrap vehicle loaded on the back of a flatbed

We accept the following:

 • Damaged and broken cars or vans

 • MOT failures and un-roadworthy vehicles

 • Non-starters

 • Insurance write offs (Cat A, B, C, D, N, S)

 • Uneconomical cars or vans needing work

 • Business and fleet vehicles

 • Salvageable vehicles

 • Part exchanges

Once you’ve chosen your price our team will be in contact to finalise the collection. We’ll let you know which Dery based scrap yard will do the collection and they will then contact you to arrange the collection date and time. Our vetted network of professional auto scrap yards will work with you to complete the collection and answer any questions you might have.

100% Coverage across Derry

Making up the northern area of the country, County Londonderry is home to museums dictating Northern Irelands historic past, scenic walks and even two magnificant Cathedrals. You’ll need a reliable motor to get around, whether that’s for work or pleasure, so if your car is on its last legs, sell it with National Scrap Car so that you can use the cash to upgrade to something newer.

We offer complete scrap coverage across county Derry including Coleraine, Limavady and Keenaght.

Prices across Londonderry are mostly determined by scrap yards local to your area which follows the average UK cost for scrap metal. All vehicles that need to be scrapped have their prices determined by their weight. Small variables include things like alloy wheels being present.

Heavier cars will have more metal that can be recycled, and a better price offered. We only work with approved auto junk yards (known as an Authorised Treatment Facility) which will depollute and recycle your car or van ethically and legally.

The prices we offer are reflective of free collection from wherever you are in Londonderry, help with the paperwork and high professional standards to ensure a smooth experience from start to finish.

Whether your car or van is in the county town of Londonderry or the boroughs of Loughinsholin or Tirkeeran then we can offer free collection. Our approved scrap yards across Londonderry and Northern Ireland offer car collection from where you are. At the time of booking we’ll ensure recovery vehicles can access your vehicle.

Scrap your Car in Londonderry

It’s never been easier to scrap your car in Londonderry. Whether you’re looking to part ways with your family car, your first ever-car, or a car owned by a relative – we can help you.

Scrap your Van in Londonderry

The process for scrapping a van in Londonderry is really no different from scrapping a car. You may, however, see a higher scrap price for your van. This is because some vans are bigger than the average car, which means they have more metal to fetch you a higher price.

Scrap your Truck in Londonderry

If you’re looking to scrap a truck in Londonderry, you’ve come to the right place. National Scrap Car can help you with the process of scrapping any vehicle. There’s currently no government scrappage scheme in place in Northern Ireland. This is another reason we strongly recommend following government advice, and using a trusted service to find a reputable dealer to help you with the process.

A car in a scrap yard being lifted by a crane claw

Scrapping your vehicle FAQs

What do I need to do before my car is collected?

After you have agreed the price on offer, you can provide us with more details regarding the status of the car and us getting access to it. You don’t need to empty, clean, or modify your car in any way but please remove anything you don’t want destroyed at the time of scrapping.

What will happen on the day of collection?

Once we have all the necessary details we will pass this on to the scrap yard that has offered you the best price. They will be in touch via phone to arrange a convenient time to pick up the vehicle. On the day they’ll phone as they approach and request things like the V5C (which you aren’t required to have) or keys (again, not necessarily required so long as the vehicle can still be removed). You, as the owner, don’t have to be present on the day but you’ll need a signed note from the owner and photo ID.

When do I get paid?

We make payment on the same day the car is collected. Once the scrap yard has notified us of car being present and correct, we’ll release payment via BACS to the account you have provided. You should see the cash available to you that day.

Where can I scrap my car in Londonderry?

At National Scrap Car, we can help you scrap your car in plenty of areas near you – keeping your options open. Whether you’re in Coleraine, Limavady or further afield, we’ll be able to find a car breaker and get you the best price for your scrap car.

How much to scrap my car in Londonderry?

Remember, it’s completely free to scrap your car with us. If you’re wondering how much you’ll make from scrapping your car, it really depends on the current rate for scrap value. The key thing to note is that if your car is larger than average, you may stand to make more since the value is based on weight. There are number of other factors influencing price too, such as the make and model.

How can I scrap my car in Londonderry?

All you need to do is fill in your registration and postcode for an instant quote, then follow the steps with us – we’ll do all the work for you. Plus, no matter where you are, we can collect your car for you, completely free of charge.

Our coverage across Northern Ireland





