Can You Scrap A Car Without A V5C Log Book?

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The log book. The V5. The V5C.

Confusingly, they’re one and the same. It’s the most important document you can have as a motorist, but do you really need it if you’re trying to scrap your car? Actually, no. You can scrap your car without the log book. You might, however, find the process a little bit more challenging. But, whether you’ve got a V5C or not, National Scrap Car will help get your motor sold.

How To Scrap A Car Without A V5C

The simplest way to scrap a car without the V5C log book is to contact our team here at National Scrap Car. We’ve help drivers in all sorts of situations scrap their old vehicles, so if you’re missing some documentation, we’ll know exactly how to work around it.

If you’d prefer to go it alone, finding a scrap dealer willing to take your vehicle without the log book could be difficult, as once you’ve sold them the car, they are the one who will have to deal with it. In fact, selling the car in the first place might be more difficult than you expect.

A vehicle's logbook with a key on it

Rather than signing the V5C and sending part of it off the DVLA, you’ll have to write all of the information they require out yourself and send it off to them. This includes:

  • Your name
  • Your address
  • Your vehicle’s make, model & reg
  • The name & address of the business scrap buyer

You’ll also need to ensure you have a form of photo ID and proof of your address to hand when completing the transaction. This is to prevent thieves from stealing a car or van and scrapping it without a trace.

What Is The V5C?

The V5C is the document that indicates to the DVLA who the registered keeper of the vehicle is. Note that we said ‘keeper’, not ‘owner’ – they do not need to be the same person.

The keeper listed on this important bit of paperwork is responsible for MOTing, taxing and registering the car or van in question.

Why You Might Not Have Your V5C

The most obvious reason for not having your vehicle’s V5C log book is that you’ve lost it. It is simply a paper document, so it’s easy to misplace or accidentally throw away. You might also have taken a chance on buying a car that didn’t have one, particularly if the seller offered a lower price due to the inconvenience.

Whatever the case, it’s recommended that you get a new one, which will cost you £25 and can be done with the DVLA via the government’s website here.

Problems With Scrapping A Vehicle Without A V5C

It is recommended to have the V5C log book document when scrapping your car, but it’s not essential. It might seem like a waste of money to pay out £25 towards a car that you’re about to sell anyway. However, not having that paperwork could reduce the value of the vehicle.

Car buyers, whether private or business, know how important a vehicle’s history is, and the V5 is crucial to figuring out whether they should purchase your car. Don’t have it show to them? They could consider your car a risky buy, or may even wonder whether you really have permission to sell it! Of course, this is where the photo ID & proof of address come in.

Expert Advice

If you’ve applied for a new V5C log book, don’t wait more than 6 weeks for it to arrive…

If you do, you’ll need to pay ANOTHER £25 to process a second one!

However, another possible problem could arise at this point if the details on the log book don’t match those on your ID or proof of address. Say, for example, you’ve moved house in but not updated the details on your V5C. This could prove just as problematic as not having the document at all and could even land you a £1,000 fine!

Updating your V5C log book details is usually free! You can do it here.

What If The Dealer Still Asks For A V5C?

If you’ve explained the lack of log book to a potential scrap buyer and they still insist on having the document before buying, you’re left with three options:

  • Buy a new log book
  • See if they will lower the price for a quicker sale
  • Use National Scrap Car who will only connect you with dealers who don’t insist on getting a V5C

Inform The DVLA That The Vehicle Has Been Scrapped

Once your vehicle has been scrapped, it’s vital that you tell the DVLA. Failing to do so can lead to fines or even criminal implications if the vehicle is involved in some shady business but still registered to you. For a more in-depth explanation of how to do this, see our blog post here.

How To Scrap A Car That’s Not In Your Name

Scrapping a car that’s registered to someone else is not impossible. You’ll just need to make sure you have the correct paperwork. Once again, the V5C log book is important (if you have it). You’ll also need photo ID & proof of address for the person who does own the vehicle, plus a signed letter from them clearly giving you permission to sell the car on their behalf.


The car scrapping process can appear complicated. Here are some of the most common questions we get asked, with answers:

Will My Local Scrapyard Think I’ve Stolen The Car?

Scrap dealers will understand that sometimes documents go missing. After all, it’s only a bit of paper! It’s unlikely that they’ll think the car you want to scrap is stolen, but they will still need to see ID & proof of address.

Can You Tax A Car Without A V5 Document?

Yes, but you’ll need a couple of other documents instead, and you’ll have to head down to your local post office. Find your V11 tax reminder document (which should have come directly from the DVLA) and dig out the proof that your vehicle has a valid MOT, then your local post office will be able complete the taxing process for you. Of course, you’ll still have to pay!

Do I Need A Log Book To Scrap A Caravan?

No, caravans do not need to be registered in the same way as other vehicles, so no log book is required.